Category Archives: Sailing

Aberdour Cruise in Company Update


The weather forecast for Saturday 22nd June is looking good for our trip. We have at the moment 13 boats registered to take part. There will be a briefing at 1200hrs, skippers please attend! If anyone else wants to join either the cruise or the race please let me know asap, I need to let our hosts know in order to manage berthing arrangements. ABC is kindly lending us their gas BBQ grill so please BYOB and food.
I’m looking forward to another great day, see you all on Saturday. 

John Anderson

Rear Commodore FCYC


First Cruise in Company – 18th May

Our first Cruise in Company is scheduled to take place on the 18th May. Our destination is the Dalgety Bay S.C. Our hosts have been very generous and are offering us the use of the facilities in their club house including the bar and wonderful terrace. We will require to anchor in the bay and DBSC will supply a shuttle service using their RIBs to run us to and from our boats. 

We will depart at 0930hrs and have a leisurely sail/motor to DB. Rob Garner, a past member of DBSC, will chair a briefing in the Bellblock at 0900hrs. Please contact FCYC if you intend to come along and haven’t already done so.

 Let’s hope for a good turnout and nice weather. 

John Anderson


Mo’s Travels

Congratulations to intrepid Forth Corinthian, Morag Edward, who has successfully sailed the Atlantic.  She left Cascais in Portugal on 18th September on The Europa, a tall ship training vessel and landed in Puerto Madryn in Patagonia on 17th November 2022.

Mo is still in Puerto Madryn, where she has resumed her artistic career and is busy painting the local penguins, who are very happy to pose. Mo, who speaks Spanish has recently taken part in a local art fair. 

She is hoping to move to Buenos Aires in April, but is tempted to return to Puerto Madryn in September to see the enormous Right Whales congregate in the bay for the breeding season.

What an adventure.  Well done Mo. 


Sailing Programme 2022

1Sat9Lift in20:0720:078:00Mark Hartswood
2Wed20Wednesday Race Coaching (1)18:0620:1319:00
3Wed20RFYC Evening Series Early 1/618:0620:2918:00RFYC
4Thu21RFYC Evening Series Early 2/618:5620:3118:00RFYC
5Fri22Friday White Sail 1() (L)19:5620:3319:00Eddie Myatt
6Sat23Port Edgar Stern Chase8:1620:3510:30John McLaren
Sun24(Overnight at PEYC)20:3720:37John McLaren
7Sat30Commodore’s Parade of Sail15:2120:4912:00George Mackay
8Sun1Cruise In Company (1)15:5919:5011:30Willy Barr
9Wed4Wednesday Race Coaching (2)17:5019:5619:00
10Wed4RFYC Evening Series Early 3/917:5020:5719:00RFYC
11Thu5RFYC Evening Series Early 4/618:2820:5919:00RFYC
12Fri6Friday White Sail (2) (S)19:1020:0019:00Ken Allan
13Sat7Wilson Cup (RFYC West Cup) JPR 17:2120:0310:00RFYC
14Sun8Bosun’s Locker Forth Series Div1 & Div28:1220:05TBAPEYC
15Sat14Wickes Stern Chase14:1120:1712:00Andy Black
16Sun15Weekend Short Race (1)14:5220:1912:00Pete Douglas
17Wed18Wednesday Race Coaching (3)17:0720:2514:00
18Wed18RFYC Evening Series Early 5/617:0721:2419:00RFYC
19Thu19RFYC Evening Series Early 6/617:5721:2619:00RFYC
20Fri20Friday White Sail (3) (L)18:5220:2919:00Colin Dunnett
21Sat21Robin Fowler Memorial Service14:00
22Sat28Weekend Short Race (2)14:1920:4513:00Frank Martin
23Sun29Cruise In Company (2)15:0020:4712:00Willy Barr
24Wed1Wednesday Race Coaching (4)16:5321:4619;00
25Wed1RFYC Evening Series Mid 1/616:5321:4618:30RFYC
26Thu2RFYC Evening Series Mid 2/617:2921:4819:00RFYC
27Fri3Friday White Sail (4) (S)18:0721:4919:00Andy Gunn
28Sat4Weekend Short Race (3)18:3221:5015:00Ian Dawson
29Sat4Anstruther Race and Muster18:3221:509:30Howard Thompson
Sun5(HW Anstruther BST shown)19:1721:51Howard Thompson
30Wed8RFYC Evening Series Mid 3/622:1921:5519:30RFYC
31Sat11Weekend Short Race (4)12:4421:5714:00Brian Pennycook
32Sun12Scott Shield / Crawford Cup JPR213:3721:5810:30RFYC
33Wed15Wednesday Race Coaching (5)16:0722:0018:00
35Mon20RFYC Evening Series Mid 4/620:4522:0219:00RFYC
36Sat25Edinburgh Regatta13:0422:0311:00FCYC/RFYC
37Sun26Edinburgh Regatta13:5622:0311:00FCYC/RFYC
38Wed29Wednesday Race Coaching (6)16:0022:0218:00
39Fri1Friday White Sail (6) (S)17:1122:0119:00Eddie North
40Wed6Wednesday Race Coaching (7)20:4021:5819:00
41Wed6RFYC Evening Series Mid 5/620:4021:5819:00RFYC
42Thu7RFYC Evening Series Mid 6/621:3521:5719:00RFYC
43Sat9Weekend Short Race (5)10:5921:5612:00John Hunter
44Sun10Weekend Short Race (6)12:0921:5411:00Keil McLachlan
45Sat16Weekend Short Race (7)17:3821:4714:00Mark Hartswood
46Sun17Weekend Short Race (8)18:2821:4515:00Graham Russell
47Wed20Wednesday Race Coaching (8)21:0721:4119:00
48Wed20RFYC Evening Series Late 1/621:0721:4119:00RFYC
49Thu21RFYC Evening Series Late 2/622:0221:3919:00RFYC
50Sat23Weekend Short Race (9)11:2721:3613:00Jason Hamilton
51Sun24Inchkeith Trophy JPR312:3321:3510:00Tom Louth
52Sat30Crew Helm Race /Aberdour BBQ16:5121:2414:00Tam Lochrie
53Wed3Wednesday Race Coaching (9)19:1921:1619:00
54Wed3RFYC Evening Series Late 3/619:1921:1619:00RFYC
55Thu4RFYC Evening Series Late 4/620:0421:1319:00RFYC
56Fri5Friday White Sail (7) (L)20:5521:1119:00George Mackay
57Fri5Bell Rock Race (Open Event)20:5521:1119:00Denis Wight
Sat6(Approx. 80Nm)9:0921:09Denis Wight
58Sat6Weekend Short Race (10)9:0921:0910:00Ken Allan
59Sun7Weekend Short Race (11)10:2321:0710:00John McLaren
60Fri12Friday White Sail (8) (S)15:4820:5618:00Ian Dawson
61Sat13Aberdour Annual Regatta (HW Aberdour 16:15). Invitation to Overnight Muster at Aberdour BC16:3320:5414:00Aberdour BC
62Sun14Weekend Short Race (12)17:1820:5114:00Howard Thompson
63Wed17Wednesday Race Coaching (10)19:3320:4419:00
64Wed17RFYC Festival Series19:3320:4418:30RFYC
Thu18(Open Event)20:2120:4218:30
65Fri19Friday White Sail (9) (L)21:1320:3919:00Brian Pennycook
66Sat20Cruise In Company Weekend9:3920:3712:00Willy Barr
67Sat27Weekend Short Race (13)15:5520:2014:00Pete Douglas
68Sun28Jubilee Cup JPR416:2720:1714:00John Anderson
69Wed31Wednesday Race Coaching (11)18:1020:0919:00
70Wed31RFYC Evening Series Late 5/618:1020:0918:30RFYC
71Thu1RFYC Evening Series Late 6/618:4920:0718:30RFYC
72Fri2Friday White Sail (10) (S)19:3220:0419:00Andy Gunn
73Sat10Marsh and Surry Cups JPR515:3219:4313:00Pete Douglas
74Sun11Weekend Short Race (14)16:1219:4114:00Andy Black
75Wed14Wednesday Race Coaching (12)18:1319:3319:00
76Sat16Friday White Sail (11) (L)19:3619:2719:00Eddie North
77Sat17Bass Rock Race and Muster7:5819:259:30Frank Martin
Sun188:5519:22Frank Martin
78Sun18Weekend Short Race (15)8:5519:2210:30Colin Dunnett
79Sat24Cruise In Company (3)14:5519:0612:00Willy Barr
80Sun25Weekend Short Race (16)15:2619:0414:00Nick Jake
81Wed28Wednesday Race Coaching (13)17:0518:5619:00
82Fri30Friday White Sail (12) (S)18:2118:5019:00Mark Hartswood
83Sat1Weekend Short Race (17)19:0518:4816:00Eddie Myatt
84Sat8Commodore’s Closing Regatta13:3218:3011:00Ken Allan
85Sat22Lift out15:1017:557:00Mark Hartswood

Lift Out 2019

Ahoy Corinthians, just a reminder that lift out is set for Saturday 19th October.

Could all boat owners please let me know ASAP what there intentions are for the winter and lift out so the harbour guys can organise the yard etc. Do you want to have your boat in the yard, leave on the pontoon for winter sailing or other arrangements etc.

Andy Gunn – Harbour Sec.


This Weeks Sailing – Commodore’s Regatta – Postponed

Weather reports showing uncertain wind conditions together with a general lack of confirmed participants would suggest that this event is postponed.  The event will now be run on Saturday 6 October with a start time of 12 noon and the seasons wash up meeting at 2pm.
Just a reminder that this Saturday is the last organised outing of the season – the Commodore’s Closing Regatta/Parade of Sail.
The rules are as for the White Sail Series with a start time of 15:00. Race will be about an hour long.
There will be briefing at 14:00hrs and a season’s de briefing after the race around 16:30hrs
Weather dependant there will be a BBQ, so bring your own food and drink.
This event is really suitable for all who like to play on the water so please come along, join in and give our outgoing Commodore a fantastic send off.
If anyone cannot make the sailing, please come along at 16:30hrs for a season’s de brief, so we can hear comments to organise what we do next year..
Hope to see as many as possible on Saturday.