Category Archives: Club

Storm Éowyn

You will all have seen the red weather warning issued for Friday 24th January with southwesterly then westerly winds gusting at 80mph+ forecast.

If you have a boat on the pontoon please ensure that your lines are well in place, and in both our yards check that you have tied down anything loose (particularly inflatables). We will be strongly discouraging access to the yard and pontoon tomorrow and club boats should not be used.

Stay safe!


Angus MacInnes 1947-2024

We were sad to lose another of our members in the Christmas period. Angus MacInnes, part-owner of Castellar, died after a long illness on December 23rd surrounded by friends and family.

Angus was well known as an actor, notably as “Dutch” Vander (Gold Leader) in Star Wars.

An obituary of him appeared on the BBC website on 31st December.


Prizewinners 2024

Other awards (members not present)

Most Noticed New Racer or Member: Late Comer’s Cup Andrew & Anne Sutherland on Early Bird

Outstanding Service Award: Bill Mossman Cup Dougal Burnett (for his above and beyond response to the moorings crisis caused by Storm Babet)

Wooden Spoon Gregor Whyte in “Telsa 3 (for giving the Coastguard much needed practice in rescuing people from the mud in a falling tide in Granton Harbour)

Surry Cup (missed by the Sailing Secretary) Philip Leith on Aurora


Lift out 2024

Late date change due to weather to Sunday 13th October

Same plan for Sunday lift-out as previously   –

The crane will arrive around 6:45am for setting up in the yard and the first lift will start promptly at 8am.  The running order can change on the day so don’t just turn up for the time slot allocated.


  • Keep yourself and others around you safe at all times.
  • Life jackets to be worn by all skippers and crew.
  • Be aware of the ongoing crane activities and avoid those areas unless you are directly involved.
  • Under no circumstances walk under crane loads.
  • Hard hats are compulsory for all in the yard and whilst on board boats working with slings and unstepping masts. Heavy gloves are recommended for handling slings and mast.
  • If anyone calls you out on a safety concern – please mind any guidance they give you with a smile and a thank you.


  • Ensure your boat is ready with fenders and long fore and aft lines at the STARBOARD side.
  • Once you’ve arrived at the west pier please listen to sling instructions and know the sling positions for your boat.


  • George will be overseeing the lift-out schedule working with the crane banksman.
  • We will organise other members to manage the Dumbo crews, taglines and ensure skippers have crews.

BELL BLOCK CAFE (Volunteer/s Request to Assist Linda) –

  • Linda Pennycook will very kindly be running the Bell Block Cafe through the day. Please let us know if you are able to assist Linda with the catering.

Aberdour CiC

Cruise in Company No 2 is scheduled for the 22nd June, our destination Aberdour Boat Club. ABC are looking forward to welcoming us. We also have the Crew Helm Race with a start time of 13:00 hrs.

More details to follow!


First Cruise in Company – 18th May

Our first Cruise in Company is scheduled to take place on the 18th May. Our destination is the Dalgety Bay S.C. Our hosts have been very generous and are offering us the use of the facilities in their club house including the bar and wonderful terrace. We will require to anchor in the bay and DBSC will supply a shuttle service using their RIBs to run us to and from our boats. 

We will depart at 0930hrs and have a leisurely sail/motor to DB. Rob Garner, a past member of DBSC, will chair a briefing in the Bellblock at 0900hrs. Please contact FCYC if you intend to come along and haven’t already done so.

 Let’s hope for a good turnout and nice weather. 

John Anderson
