
Admission of Members

The club welcomes applications from anyone who sails* or who would like to sail on the Forth. Most of our members live within a few miles of the clubhouse. Prospective members are invited to complete an application and data protection form (links below). After this has been displayed in the clubhouse for a month, the candidate is interviewed formally by a Flag Officer and the application is considered by the FCYC Council which meets on the first Tuesday of every month. There is no waiting list for membership although the availability of moorings is something which must be discussed with the harbour secretary.

*Note a sailing boat is a boat propelled partly or entirely by sails. 

FCYC Membership form pdf

FCYC Membership form Word

Or apply online here

Membership Fees

Category Cost
Full Membership – only Full Members can apply for a Mooring and Yard Space £75
Household Membership (for partners and their children in full-time education and living at home) £95
Associate Membership £40

Club Colours

flagThe Club burgee is a dark blue background with a red Lion Rampant on a gold shield. Club dress is Club tie, white shirt, navy blazer and grey trousers. Casual club clothing, ties, sweatshirts, polo shirts, burgees, cap badges etc, can be ordered from “Superlogo” in Leith or at Forth Corinthian Yacht Club badges can also be added to garments.

Newsletter, Website and Internet Noticeboard

The Club newsletter, Fairwind, is produced several times a year. Contributions and notices from members are welcomed.


The club has swinging moorings leased through the Edinburgh Marina Ltd in the East harbour. The club provides sinkers, ground and riser chain along with junks, mooring and pick up buoys. The moorings are maintained by the membership under the guidance of the Club Harbour Committee using the club workboat.

Boats requiring heavier sinkers and ground chain other than the club’s standard must make their own arrangements for procuring, laying and inspecting the sinker and chain. The Club will allocate the mooring space and agree the scope of the mooring chain.

Moorings are allocated annually by the Harbour Committee and applications must be made through the Harbour Secretary. Allocated moorings are not transferable.
Members are responsible at all times for the inspection, maintenance and security of their own moorings. Members should seek the advice of the Harbour Committee on mooring matters and only carry out work on their mooring with an experienced member. Inspection of moorings and the use of the workboat must be coordinated with the Harbour Committee.

For further information about charges and terms and conditions, see The Edinburgh Marina page.


It is a condition that members who keep a vessel on either a mooring in Granton harbour or in the club’s yard must have a minimum of £2,000,000 third party liability insurance in force.

Harbour Ferry Service

The FCYC Committee boats, Dumbo and Wee Dumbo, can be used as a Ferry for members around the harbour on payment of £30 per boat. Application should be made to the Harbour Secretary who will also arrange for instruction in the correct use of Dumbos.