It has been debated and agreed at Council that “Lift In”, scheduled for the 18th April 2020, should be postponed.
A date for rescheduling will be agreed in line with Government guidance and advice on Coronavirus during the following weeks.
This notification of postponement may seem premature being four weeks to 18th April but the next four weeks are probably the busiest in the clubs year with boats still needing to be prepared for the season. In line with the Government advice to self isolate if required, minimise contact with others and concern for the over 70’s and those in the “at risk” category, it makes sense to eliminate unnecessary contact with others at the yard and Bell Block.
I trust we have your support on this decision and that we can look forward to enjoying ourselves on the water albeit a bit later in the year than normal.
Please follow the Government advice on Coronavirus and keep yourself and families safe and please be considerate to others.