This Weeks Sailing – Dunbar Weekend

Two events in one this weekend with destination Dunbar for their annual music festival. Please see link below for a note from Willy for the final Cruise in Company which also has a handy link to the music festival programme. It should also be noted that this is included in this years racing programme so please see the handbook for details. As the race pretty much mirrors the cruise why don’t all boats just take a start and finish time per the instructions. And if you don’t have a handicap no need to worry as Ken is more than happy to supply one.

There is healthy interest so far including: Malin; Eclipse; Misty Blue; Early Bird; Belle Ile and Kashangi II so it would be great if others could join us. Tides are a wee bit awkward but not impossible and the weather at this stage looks much more promising than it was last year. Please contact Ken, Willy or myself if anyone has any concerns or wishes to talk through anything.

So, whether you intend to cruise down in company leaving at 10.30am on Friday or any other time on Friday or Saturday, or you choose to race on Friday or Saturday it would be good to see as many as can make it for some fun in Dunbar.

Hopefully see you there!

Dunbar Weekend 2017 


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