It’s time now to think about the coming season’s sailing programme. Last year’s pre-season meeting helped me a lot to set up the programme, which I hope you all enjoyed. For this reason, I would like to hold another meeting this year to see how you felt it went and what changes you might like to make to improve it.
Items I would like to discuss, include:
Long vs. short races
Length of series races
Race courses
Race Officer duties
Publishing of results and handicap adjustments
Wednesday evening coaching sessions
WhatsApp group communications
Joint RFYC/FCYC events
Sailing on Coronation day
Cruising in Company programme
To this end, I’ll be hosting a gathering in the Bell Block on Saturday 21st January at 11:00a.m to which you are all invited. The more of you who can manage it, the better the feedback. I hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Sailing Sec.