Category Archives: Harbour

Visit of Moonspray

The Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust 44′ boat Moonspray will be visiting Granton next week –

ETA Thursday 23 to Sat 25 June. Her young crew are cancer recoverers and the Trust are keen that they don’t have to raft up and clamber over other boats (and this will assist in visits from parents etc) if it can be avoided. Can you all please help by ensuring the first 60ft of the north end outside of EML Pontoon is kept clear for their arrival.

More information on Moonspray’s trip round Britain can be found here. and details of the crew on the trip to and from Granton can be found here.


Lift-In 8th April

Information for Saturday 8th April Lift In.

The crane will arrive on site around 7am on Saturday morning to be set up for lifting around 8am.

Boat owners are expected to be in attendance from 7.30am. Crew can be advised of their skippers  time slot but may miss their lift if the order is changed.
The parking area outside the yard must be kept clear for crane and trailer access.
Wearing of hard hats is compulsory in the yard.
If you have not sent a copy of your boat insurance to the secretary please have a copy available on the day. If you have not paid your summer bill your boat might not be lifted into the harbour. A cheque on the day will be acceptable.

Linda Pennycook and her team, all willing volunteers, will provide the tea, coffee and rolls from the kitchen in the Bell Block.

Please be aware of the dangers involved in lifting boats and masts using a large crane. The risk of personal injury and damage to boats is minimised by being sensible and by following the procedures and Method Statements as detailed on this web site, under the members section.


Midsummer Pontoon Party

Ahoy Corinthians!
Are you free on the evening of Friday 24th June?
It would be wonderful if you could join us all for our Midsummer Pontoon Party on the EML pontoon.
It’s been a good while since we’ve had one and Midsummer seems the perfect time.
We anticipate good food, good chat and some good music too!
The party starts around 7pm although the racers will be joining slightly later, after the Joint White Sail race finishes.
If you don’t want to bother cooking, take advantage of the Carry Out option, where food orders and payment will be taken, from menus available at either the RFYC bar or on the pontoon itself, starting around 5.30pm.
The menus are available to look at in advance from the RFYC clubhouse bar.
The food will be ordered at 7.30pm, so if you place your order before you go racing, it will be delivered in time for your return.
If you have bunting, please dress your boat up for the party- the brighter the better!
This is a FREE EVENT! We just want to encourage folk to meet up and have a bit of fun.
It’s also a BYOB event, so you can drink whatever you want but please take responsibility for and dispose of your own rubbish.
If you have any questions at all, please ask Sandra at the RFYC office on 0131 552 8560 or via email on
We look forward to seeing you there! “

Lift in 2016

It was a damp and cold start to the day, but it soon ‘came away nice.’ And despite a very low tide mid-morning, it all went without a hitch. Thanks as ever to our indefatigable harbour secretary George Mackay, and of course to the excellent tutelage provided by Lachie. Here’s a selection of photos from the day.
