Some info ~
Herring has been considerably changed since last season-engine out (inboard), no outboard, prop shaft removed, guardrails off etc. she has been configured as a standard H Noat and should start off FYCA 988, if you are still using FYCA as a base for starting off on your handicap scheme.
Boats sold or permanently left Forth=
Cacciatore, KAMMA.
I can support you with Yacht start off FYCA base handicaps if the yacht has not applied for an FYCA Handicsp, although I strongly advise they apply!
Some info ~
Herring has been considerably changed since last season-engine out (inboard), no outboard, prop shaft removed, guardrails off etc. she has been configured as a standard H Noat and should start off FYCA 988, if you are still using FYCA as a base for starting off on your handicap scheme.
Boats sold or permanently left Forth=
Cacciatore, KAMMA.
I can support you with Yacht start off FYCA base handicaps if the yacht has not applied for an FYCA Handicsp, although I strongly advise they apply!
Timania (RFYC) 1067 This boat has been lost.
I can advise 1275 as a reasonably start point for Decante.
Maxine now off FYCA 1091. Don’t know if you refresh when an upgrade occurs on the FYCA List.
Do you?